
Value Added Tax (VAT)

VAT Advisory

We offer expert advice on the VAT treatment of specific business cases or all transactions, conducting VAT Transactional Impact Analysis to mitigate risks and maximize efficiency.

VAT Health Check

Our VAT Health Check service identifies adverse tax positions and compliance gaps, offering actionable insights to enhance VAT compliance and minimize liabilities.

VAT Compliance

We conduct periodic reviews of VAT returns and assist with reporting requirements, offering guidance on compliance gaps and optimizing processes for seamless VAT management.

VAT Audit Support

Our team assists in coordinating with Tax Authorities during official VAT audits, providing representation and support to clients throughout the audit process to ensure fair treatment and compliance with regulations.

VAT Litigation Assistance

We provide comprehensive support for VAT litigations, including assistance with filing VAT Reconsideration forms and submitting objections to the Tax Disputes Resolution Committee (TDRC) in response to unsatisfactory decisions.

VAT Refunds

Our experts assist with submission for VAT refunds requests with the Tax Authority, including VAT Tourist Refund Scheme, VAT Refund for Business Visitors, and VAT Refund for Building New Residences by UAE Nationals.


Our training programs cover a wide range of topics, including beginner VAT awareness sessions, functional awareness sessions for key business functions, and training on compliance and reporting requirements.